If you have any questions concerning anything, please contact one of the officers or Mrs. Jing. Thank you!
Must be in...
Chinese 1 class + Chinese 2 class + Is currently taking Chinese 3 AAC
Chinese NSP class + is currently taking Chinese 3 AAC
Chinese 1 CBE (Credit-by-Exam) + Chinese 2 class + Chinese 3 AAC (completed all)
Chinese 1 & 2 CBE + Chinese 3 AAC (completed all)
Must have 85 or higher in ALL classes
80 or above in Chinese only for non-heritage students
No violations of Clements Honor Code or major disciplinary issues (detention, suspension, or other severe action)
Understand and fulfill expectations and commitments
Meeting Attendance
Members MUST arrive before 3:00 to earn points and stay throughout the whole meeting unless they have a proper excuse.
LABS are not considered as excuses. Excuses encompass band practice, doctor appointments, and illness.
Up to 1 absence per semester.
What happens if I can't make it to a meeting?
Email Clements NCHS at clementsnchs@gmail.com with a proper excuse within 24 hours of meeting. One unexcused absence will result in a bad standing, while two unexcused absences may result in immediate dismissal. Meeting agendas will be posted on the News and Events page.
Where are the meetings held?
Room 2514 (Mrs. Jing's room), unless told otherwise.
How long are the meetings?
Between 30 min - 1 hour.
When are the meetings?
Every 3rd Tuesday of every month (unless otherwise noted).
What are the volunteering requirements?
TBD because of COVID-19
Points required 1st semester: 10 (by December meeting)
Meetings - 1 point for attendance, 2 points with NCHS shirt
Song suggestion – 1 point (cap: 1 pt per person per semester)- Officers will play the best songs before each meeting (point only awarded if your song is chosen)
Performance/Presentation (members volunteer to present their own topic) - 2 points
Meme submission – 1 point (cap: 1 pt per semester- Additional 0.5 point rewarded if meme is high quality enough to be chosen and posted on the NCHS Instagram (go follow it)
Asia Society (virtual or in-person events) – 1 point (find events on asiasociety.org and write a paragraph reflection on the event)
Other volunteering events - Please check Facebook and emails to stay up to date
Bringing Chinese snacks/drinks to meetings - 1 point per item, must be shareable! (cap 2 times per semester)
Miscellaneous points will be awarded at meetings (games, activities, contests, etc.)
Check the calendar to find out about upcoming cultural events!